How effectively do you recognize your people? Take our 5-minute employee appreciation assessment!

Curious about how well your organization is doing with meaningful employee recognition? This quick quiz is designed to help you find out. Simply answer YES or NO to each question in our employee appreciation assessment and discover where you stand on the recognition spectrum and what next steps to take.

“In the face of a global talent shortage, the quality of employee experience becomes a strategic differentiator,” says Miriam Connaughton, Simpplr’s Chief People & Experience Officer. “Companies that nurture their talent through continuous learning and meaningful recognition will lead the way.”

Simpplr Employee Recognition Talent Retention Ebook

When your people feel genuinely valued, magic happens: retention rates rise, productivity improves, and overall sense of well-being soars.

By enhancing your employee recognition strategy, you’ll build a more engaged, productive and loyal workforce — and thus improve retention, boost productivity, and ultimately, business performance.

What drives a meaningful recognition and rewards program?

“Recognition often carries more lasting impact than the rewards we associate with it. While we all love a gift card or being able to make a charitable donation, it’s the enduring glow of meaningful acknowledgment that truly matters,” Miriam says.

Personalized and timely: The best recognition is timely, relevant and personalized. Today’s workforce want acknowledgement for their unique contributions to align with their personal preferences and professional goals — so you must tailor your recognition approach accordingly.

Multi-directional: In today’s flatter, more networked and democratized organizations, recognition needs to come from all directions, not just top-down. Manager-to-employee and peer-to-peer acknowledgment ensure contributions are recognized at every level.

Rewards that get people talking: Offering both financial and non-financial incentives aligns with employees’ preferences and needs. You’ll want to offer rewards that employees value, that echo your culture, and that fit seamlessly with your overall strategy. Align your rewards programs with company objectives and key performance metrics to unite everyone around the shared outcomes that truly matter. Ensure your rewards and recognition program is flexible, easy to use, and readily accessible — ideally by offering a variety of redemption options in a comprehensive portal that enables employees to choose rewards that truly resonate with them.

Where does your organization fall on the employee recognition spectrum?

To maximize the impact of your recognition program, it’s important to first understand where your organization falls on the employee recognition spectrum. You can do this by evaluating your current practices and identifying areas for improvement.

At one end of the spectrum, you have basic recognition practices like annual awards or occasional shoutouts. While better than nothing, these efforts often lack the frequency and personalization needed to significantly impact employee morale and engagement.

In contrast, comprehensive recognition programs are integrated into the fabric of the organization. These programs are continuous, inclusive and personalized, using data and technology to provide real-time feedback and recognition.

Take the employee appreciation assessment

Now that you have a basic idea where you land on the employee recognition spectrum, go deeper with our employee appreciation assessment. If you currently have all the tools, programs, or practices in place indicated in each question below, answer YES. If partial or not at all, answer NO.

  1. Do you have a structured recognition program in place that is supported by user-friendly technology?
  2. Are people frequently recognized for their contributions?
  3. Are your recognition efforts personalized?
  4. Does your workplace technology leverage AI to facilitate real-time recognition and provide insights and recommendations?
  5. Are you leveraging data analytics to measure the impact of your recognition programs?
  6. Is it easy for managers to recognize and reward their team members and to get automated nudges to stay on top of things?
  7. Does your recognition technology support your whole workforce wherever and however they work (e.g. remote, hybrid and frontline workers)?
  8. Does your recognition platform integrate seamlessly with other HR and Communication employee experience delivery technologies in your organization?
  9. Does your recognition program include rewards that employees value?
  10. Does your recognition program help amplify your values and celebrate your culture?

Your recognition program score

Tally the YES answers and find out where you stand on the employee recognition spectrum!

Basic (0-4) Structured (5-8) Comprehensive (9-10)
Your recognition program is in its early stages. There’s a lot of room for improvement, but the good news is that there are many opportunities to grow and enhance your strategies. You’re on the right track with a recognition program that makes a difference, but there’s still plenty of potential to elevate your program. Your recognition program incorporates many leading practices. To keep innovating, there’s still some room to leverage the latest technology.
Recommended actions: Recommended actions: Recommended actions:
1. Focus on making recognition more personalized and timely. 1. Upskill managers to focus on consistency, inclusivity and tying recognition to your organization’s core values. 1. Continue to innovate and refine your strategies to make your people feel valued and increase engagement.
2. Start measuring the impact of your efforts so you can make data-driven improvements. 2. Leverage technology to improve personalization and facilitate peer-to-peer recognition. 3. Look for opportunities to streamline recognition efforts with AI.
3. Get inspired to elevate your recognition program and quickly advance your practices. 3. Discover how Simpplr customers invested in EX to build recognition-rich cultures. 3. See how an AI-powered EX platform can revolutionize the experience for your people.

How Simpplr can help

With AI-enabled technology like Simpplr’s Recognition and Rewards, recognizing your people is effortless and impactful. From timely prompts for birthdays and work anniversaries, to personalized acknowledgments and insightful analytics prompting recommendations for action, Simpplr’s purpose-built AI helps to ensure your people feel valued and appreciated in real time.

“Imagine recognition that intuitively adapts to each employee’s unique contributions, within a system that’s so seamlessly integrated and intelligent that it becomes part of the daily workflow,” Miriam says. “AI-powered platforms like Simpplr do this, fostering personalized recognition that is meaningful and making a culture of recognition more easily attainable.”

Simpplr seamlessly integrates employee recognition and rewards within one digital work hub to maximize participation and align incentives. Program administration and reward redemption are effortless, thanks to a user-friendly, multichannel experience. And Simpplr’s advanced AI uncovers deep insights and generates actionable recommendations — optimizing the efficacy and impact of your rewards and recognition program.

Recognition and Rewards enables you to:

  • Empower employees to celebrate each other’s wins through simple, easy-to-use recognition that drives a culture of camaraderie and collective success.
  • Incentivize and inspire excellence across your organization with a meaningful recognition and rewards program that is flexible, easy to use, and readily accessible.
  • Align your recognition and rewards programs with company objectives and key performance metrics to unite everyone around the shared outcomes that truly matter.
  • Retain talent with a positive workplace culture that values and formally recognizes achievements, enhancing employee engagement and loyalty.
  • Bring values to life with digital badges that honor those who embody company operating principles and enrich your cultural fabric.

And frontline employees can give and get recognition via fully functional native mobile and tablet apps for Android and iOS devices as well as responsive web apps.

Employee appreciation assessment - Simpplr intranet recognition bulletin and mobile intranet profile of executive

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